Tuesday, October 30, 2012

My Beef Rendang Recipe


1kg beef (cut into cubes)
200g shallot (blend with garlic)
200g garlic (blend with shallot)
2 turmeric leaves (chopped)
2 pieces dried tamarind skin
1 tablespoon ground turmeric
1kg coconut milk
10 tablespoon white grated coconut,fried for kerisik
Salt to taste

Ground Spice Ingredients:

20 dried chillies (blend)
10 nos bird's eye chilli (blend)

1/2 inch ginger (blend)
1/2 inch galangal (blend)
3 stalks lemongrass (blend)

Put the cubes beef in the kuali and pour the blended shallot and garlic. Cook over medium low heat for 30 minutes. 

Put in the ground spice ingredients and cook for another 20 minutes. Pour in the coconut milk, kerisik, turmeric leave, tamarind skin and simmer over low heat. Stir occasionally so that the mixture does not stick to the pan. Add salt to taste and cook until beef is tender and rendang is thick. 

Come and try my beef recipe. Perhaps it shall suits your tastebuds.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

My very own Beef Rendang

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Takbir Hari Raya Aidiladha

Resepi Kek Karamel Pelangi Senja (Versi Bahasa Melayu)

Mungkin ada diantara anda pernah melihat posting saya mengenai Kek  Karamel Pelangi Senja. Tetapi ia disampaikan dalam Bahasa Inggeris. Memandangkan ia merupakan salah satu post paling popular dalam blog ini, maka saya dengan berbesar hati akan memabantu menterjemahkan resipi tersebut ke Bahasa Melayu. Diharap ia akan membawa manfaat untuk semua pembaca blog saya yang dihormati dan dikasihi. Selamat mencuba.

Kek Karamel Pelangi:

Untuk Karamel:

2 sudu besar gula pasir putih

70g gula caster/castor
125g susu sejat/susu segar
3 biji kuning telur (saiz besar)
1/2 sudu kecil esen vanila

Untuk Kek:

140g tepung gandum

1 sudu teh serbuk penaik 
70g gula caster/castor
3 biji kuning telur (saiz besar)
135ml air
45ml minyak jagung/minyak sayuran
6 biji putih telur (untuk membuat meringue)
70g caster sugar (untuk membuat meringue)
1 sudu teh krim tartar (for meringue)
Pewarnan Ungu, Oren dan Hijau (ikut kegemaran masing2)


Panaskan oven pada suhu 350 darjah Fahrenheit (175 darjah Celcius) dan pilih rak tengah.

Cara membuat Karamel: 

Ambil loyang kek 9 inci, masukkan gula pasir dan panaskan diatas dapur menggunakan api kecil sehingga gula cair dan bertukar menjadi warna coklat cair. Jangan terlalu lama nanti hangus. Goyang-goyangkan loyang supaya gula cair tadi memenuhi bahagian bawah loyang tersebut. Biarkan seketika pada suhu bilik.

Dalam mangkuk adunan, pukul susu sejat/susu segar dan gula caster sehingga sebati. Dalam mangkuk adunan yang lain campurkan kuning telur bersama esen vanila dan pukul seketika. Campurkan kedua-dua bahan tersebut dan tapis masuk kedalam loyang berisi gula cair yang telah keras tadi.

Cara membuat kek:

Pukul kuning telur, minyak dan air sehingga sebati. Tambah gula dan pukul sehingga ringan dan gebu.

Ayak tepung gandum bersama serbuk penaik dan asingkan.

Dengan kelajuan perlahan, tambah adunan tepung tadi kedalam adunan telur,minyak dan air tadi sedikit demi sedikit. Kikis tepi mangkuk adunan untuk elak tepung tidak sebati.

Pukul putih telur hingga gebu menggunakan pengadun elektrik. Tambah gula, krim tartar dan pukul sehingga adunan bertanduk (bila anda terbalikkan mangkuk adunan tak jatuh). Adunan ini dinamakan meringue.

Tambah 1/3 daripada adunan meringue tadi ke dalam adunan yang pertama tadi hingga sebati. Tambah selebihnya adunan meringue dan sebatikan.

Adunan tadi dibahagi kepada 3 bahagian, satu adunan warnakan ungu, satu warnakan oren dan selebihnya warna hijau. Ambil 3 sudu besar adunan ungu dan letakkan diatas adunan karamel tadi (jangan risau ia takkan bercampur kerana ia lebih ringan),sudukan pula adunan hijau dan diikuti adunan oren. Ulang semua langkah-langkah tadi sehingga adunan habis. Ambil satu lidi satay, lorekkan adunan berwarna tadi bermula dari tengah-tengah loyan ke bahagian tepi (hati2 supaya jangan sampai kedasar). Buat seperti simbol tambah. Biarkan seketika.

Ambil loyang 10 inci dan tuangkan air panas sehingga separuh daripada loyang. Masukkan loyang 9 inci tadi kedalam loyang 10 inci. Masukkan kedua-dua loyang ke dalam ketuhar dan kurangkan suhu ke 165 darjah Celcius dan masak untuk sejam.

Setelah lengkap sejam, keluarkan kek dari ketuhar dan biarkan sejuk. Terbalikkan kek keatas pinggan.

Kek ini lebih enak jika dihidang selepas disejukkan seketika. 
Perhatian: Jangan kikis tepi loyang menggunakan pisau kerana akan merosakkan tekstur karamel anda. 

Aidiladha Menu

Hmm...I'm thinking what's the menu for our special day tomorrow. Shall it be Beef Rendang or Chicken Rendang? Any ideas?

Salam Aidiladha

I would like to take this opportunity to wish all Muslims in the world "Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha"

Monday, October 22, 2012

Tonight's Special: Ginger Chicken (Ayam Masak Halia)

Our tonite dinner is Ginger Chicken. Ginger chicken is one of Chinese Cuisine that's quite famous here in Malaysia and it's our favorite dish too. Here's the recipe.


500g chicken (cut into small pieces)
5 cloves of garlic (chopped)
1 inch of young ginger (chopped)
3 tablespoon light soy sauce
2 tablespoon sesame oil
1 tablespoon white distilled vinegar 
2 cups of water
3 tablespoon oil 


Heat the oil in the saucepan over low heat.

Add the garlic and ginger and stir for about 1 minute.

Add chicken and let it cook for about 2 minutes.

Pour the light soy sauce, sesame oil and vinegar and simmer for a while.

Add 2 cups of water and bring to boil.

Ready to serve. It's that simple right. Try it.

Versi Melayu


500g daging ayam (dipotong kecil)
5 ulas bawang putih (dihiris)
1 inci halia muda (dihiris)
3 sudu besar kicap cair
2 sudu besar minyak bijan
1 sudu besar cuka
2 cawan air
3 sudu besar minyak


Panaskan minyak dalam kuali (api kecil).

Masukkan bawang putih dan halia. Goreng untuk 1 minit.

Masukkan ayam dan biarkan untuk 2 minit.

Masukkan kicap cair, minyak bijan dan cuka. Biarkan sebati dengan ayam.

Masukkan 2 cawan air dan biarkan mendidih.

Sedia untuk dihidang. Senang kan. Mai lah cuba resipi ni. Tak rugi.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

My Potato Curry Recipe (Resipi Kari Kentang)

I'll share with you my potato curry recipe. 


800g potatoes (peeled & quartered)
40g green chillies
50g shallots
50g garlics

2 stalks curry leaves
3 cups water
1/2 cup light tamarind juice, adjust sourness as required
5 tablespoon oil


1 inch cinnamon 
3 star anise
4 clove
3 cardamom
1 tablespoon coriander seed
1/2 tablespoon cumin seed
1/2 tablespoon fennel seed
5-6 tablespoon meatcurry powder (mix with water to make paste)


Mix together shallots, garlic, green chillies, coriander seed, cumin and fennel seed in a blender and blend until fine.

Heat the oil over very low heat and add the cinnamon, star anise, clove and cardamom. 

Add the blended mixture and curry leaves. Add the curry paste. Saute until fragrant. 

Next, add the 3 cups of water and the tamarind juice and salt to taste.  

Stir and let the curry come to boil.

Then add the potatoes and let it simmer until cooked.

Ready to serve. 

Versi Melayu:

800g kentang (buang kulit dan potong empat)
40g cili hijau (boleh tambah jika suka pedas)
50g bawang merah
50g bawang putih
2 tangkai daun kari
3 cawan air
1/2 cawan air asam jawa


1 inci kayu manis
3 biji bunga lawang
4 biji bunga cengkih
3 biji buah pelaga
1 sudu besar biji ketumbar
1/2 sudu besar jintan manis
1/2 sudu besar jintan putih
5-6 sudu besar rempah kari daging (campur air jadikan pes)


Campur bawang merah, bawang putih, cili hijau, biji ketumbar, jintan putih dan manis kedalam blender. Kisar hingga halus.

Panaskan minyak dalam periuk dengan api kecil, masukkan kayu  manis, bunga lawang, bunga cengkih, pelaga.

Masukkan bahan kisar dan daun kari kedalam periuk. Masukkan pes kari dan kacau hingga wangi/ pecah minyak.

Seterusnya tambah air asam jawa, air serta garam. Biarkan mendidih.

Kemudian masukkan kentang dan biarkan hingga kentang empuk.

Siap untuk dihidang.


Information for Bakers (Type of Flour and Its Uses)

Today I'll share some information on flour that particularly for us in Malaysia and perhaps Singapore . It is important for us to choose the correct flour for baking. It should be kept in an airtight container in a cool and dry place. Avoid from direct sunlight. The best is to keep the flour in the refrigerator that can help to make it last longer.

Self Raising Flour is made by combining flour with baking powder or a similar chemical aerating agent. These are sifted together many times until they are thoroughly combined and the baking powder is evenly distributed through the flour. Perfect for making cakes and pastry.

All purpose Flour/Plain Flour can be found easily in almost all stores with different brands and prices. It is made from soft wheat varieties and has a medium content of protein. It is used to makes cakes and biscuits with a tender texture.

High Protein Flour/Baker's Flour is made from semi-hard wheat and has high protein content. Ideal for making bread.

High Ratio Flour contains less than 8% protein. This flour has a high absorbency for liquid, sugar and fat. Cakes made using high ratio flour have good volume and tender crumb.

Cake Flour/Low Protein Flour/Superfine Flour is flour which contain lower protein  that is made with a soft wheat, and self-rising flour. These lower protein flours are used for bread baking as well as baked goods with a high sugar to flour ratio.

Red Rose Flour is made by combining flour with cornstarch and aerating agent. This flour is suitable for baking biscuits.

Hoen Kwee Flour is an Indonesian type of green bean flour that has been flavoured. It is suitable for making local delicacies especially Malay kuih and Nyonya kuih.

A Birthday Suprise!

Last Friday, October 19th was my birthday and I received lots of Birthday wishes from my friends especially from Facebookl. I'm really indebted with you guys for the kind wishes. By the way I also received one Birthday Card from a friend of mine which I cannot disclosed here due to personal reasons :). Here are some of the pics that I've taken. Thank you again my friend. I really appreciate for the card. Vous êtes un ami spécial. Merci.

Today's breakfast: Hot pancakes with Potato curry

Our breakfast today is a simple pancakes with vegetarian potato curry. 

Friday, October 19, 2012

Rayfish Spicy Sour Curry (Asam Pedas Pari)

Our dinner tonite is Asam Pedas Pari. One of our favorite dish. It comes in different version (Melaka, Johor & etc). Here's the recipe.

English Version:


    • 80g tamarind paste
    • 700ml water
    • 500g rayfish, cleaned (or what kind of fish you desire)
    • 10 ladies fingers
    • 2 sprigs polygonum leaves (Daun kesum)
    • 1 wild ginger flower buds (quartered) (Bunga kantan)
    • 2 teaspoon fenugreek seeds
    • 10 tbsp oil
    Spices (ground and combined)
    • 8 shallots
    • 8 cloves garlic
    • 20 dried red chillies, soaked, halved and seeds removed
    • 20g belacan
    • Ground turmeric

    • 1 tbsp sugar 
    • Salt to taste


    In a medium size pot heat up the oil. Pour in the fenugreek seeds and stir four awhile. Pour the ground spices and stir it for 3 minutes. 
    Put tamarind juice in the pot and bring to boil.
    Add polygonum leave and the ginger torch. Simmer over a low heat for 15 minutes.
    Add ladies fingers and fish. Continue simmer for 5 minutes until cooked.
    Ready to serve.

    Versi Melayu:


    80gm air asam jawa
    70ml air
    500g ikan pari
    10 biji bendi
    2 tangkai daun kesum
    1 biji bunga kantan
    2 sudu kecil halba
    10 sudu besar minyak masak

    Rempah (Dikisar)

    8 biji bawang merah
    8 biji bawang putih
    20 tangkai cili kering (dibuang biji)
    20g belacan
    sedikit serbuk kunyit

    1 sudu besar gula 
    garam untuk perasa


    Panaskan minyak didalam periuk. Masukkan halba dan goreng seketika. Masukkan rempah dikisar tadi dan kacau untuk 3 minit atau hingga pecah minyak.

    Masukkan asam jawa yang telah dicampurkan dengan air dan biarkan mendidih.

    Masukkan daun kesum dan bunga kantan. Biar untuk seketika.

    Masukkan kacang bendi dan ikan pari tadi. Tunggu sehingga ikan masak. Api kecil.

    Siap untuk dihidang.

Journey to North Malaysia (Penang)

Last Wednesday and Thursday I'm required to go to Penang (Island and Mainland). It was tiring and restless   day and night. Here are some photos I managed to capture during my trip.

Penang 2nd Bridge in progress

Jerejak Island and Penang Bridge

Part of Penang 2nd Bridge incomplete

Capsized Boat 

Jerejak Island across the sea

Boats nearby seashore and jetty

Fisherman's net

Penang 2nd Bridge

Penang 2nd Bridge

Penang 2nd Bridge

A view at Gurney Drive towards Bayan Lepas

Seagull statues
Direction Board

View at Gurney Drive 

Seaview at Gurney Drive

A recycle box along Gurney Drive

Lim Chong Eu Highway

Seagull again

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

A Brand New Morib Beach. I'm impressed :)

It was fascinating when we visit Morib in 2010.  A lot of improvements have been done. 

Morib is located in Selangor and itks a place for family recreations, food hunters, joggers and many more.  

Two thumbs up to the local authority to come out with great ideas. Enjoice.
A landmark at Morib beach
Statues of seagull

N+S (North and South)

A geography information


Monday, October 15, 2012

Sunday, October 14, 2012

MAHA 2010 Revisit Part 1

MAHA International 2012 is coming soon in November 2012 (23rd November- 2nd December 2012) with the theme .MAHA is an acronym for Malaysian Agriculture, Holticulture and Agrotourism that will be held in Malaysia Agro Exposition Park Serdang (MAEPS) organized by MARDII would like to share some of the photos taken during our MAHA visit in 2010. 


Large Jackfruit spotted at MAHA.

Varieties of local fruits.

Local Fruits

Coconut Jellies made from coconut water 

Ripe Bananas

Swallow Booth

Goats eating. 

Saanen Goat Information 
One happy goat. Smile :)
Boer goat


Deer resting

Deer Soup 

A cow from Brazil origin

One Happy cow

Cow for sale

Pinneaple crown

Sarawak Pavilion

Entrance of Sarawak Pavilion

Inside Sarawak Pavilion

Sarawakian ethnic dance

Fruit that can only found in Sarawak

Terengganu Pavilion

A traditional performance at Terengganu Pavilion

Vitato Sweet Potato

Products from Vitato Sweet potatoes

Kelantan Pavilion

Snake show at Perlis Pavilion