Monday, October 22, 2012

Tonight's Special: Ginger Chicken (Ayam Masak Halia)

Our tonite dinner is Ginger Chicken. Ginger chicken is one of Chinese Cuisine that's quite famous here in Malaysia and it's our favorite dish too. Here's the recipe.


500g chicken (cut into small pieces)
5 cloves of garlic (chopped)
1 inch of young ginger (chopped)
3 tablespoon light soy sauce
2 tablespoon sesame oil
1 tablespoon white distilled vinegar 
2 cups of water
3 tablespoon oil 


Heat the oil in the saucepan over low heat.

Add the garlic and ginger and stir for about 1 minute.

Add chicken and let it cook for about 2 minutes.

Pour the light soy sauce, sesame oil and vinegar and simmer for a while.

Add 2 cups of water and bring to boil.

Ready to serve. It's that simple right. Try it.

Versi Melayu


500g daging ayam (dipotong kecil)
5 ulas bawang putih (dihiris)
1 inci halia muda (dihiris)
3 sudu besar kicap cair
2 sudu besar minyak bijan
1 sudu besar cuka
2 cawan air
3 sudu besar minyak


Panaskan minyak dalam kuali (api kecil).

Masukkan bawang putih dan halia. Goreng untuk 1 minit.

Masukkan ayam dan biarkan untuk 2 minit.

Masukkan kicap cair, minyak bijan dan cuka. Biarkan sebati dengan ayam.

Masukkan 2 cawan air dan biarkan mendidih.

Sedia untuk dihidang. Senang kan. Mai lah cuba resipi ni. Tak rugi.


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