Sunday, November 4, 2012

Cekodok Pisang (Mashed Banana Fritters)


600g pisang 
1 cawan tepung gandum
5 sudu besar gula
1/4 sudu teh serbuk penaik (baking powder)
1/2 sudu teh garam
Minyak secukupnya untuk menggoreng

Lenyekkan pisang tadi hingga lumat. Kemudian masukkan tepung sedikit demi sedikit sambil kacau dan masukkan serbuk penaik. Kalau adunan terlalu lembik tambahkan lagi sedikit  tepung. Masukkan gula dan garam dan kacau hingga sebati. Siap untuk goreng.

English Version:

600g cavendish banana 
1 cup of all purpose flour
5 tablespoon of granulated sugar
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon tablesalt
5 cups of vegetable oil 


Heat the oil in the wok. Crushed all the bananas and pour in the flour and stir the mixture (make sure the batter is not lumpy). Add in the baking powder. Pour in sugar and salt and mix well. Use tablespoon and pour in the batter one at a time and fry until golden. Lift up the fritter and remove the excess oil. Repeat the step until the batter finish. 


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